TCP Hijacking Proof of Concept

This Python script is a TCP connection-breaking tool that uses the Scapy library to manipulate network packets. It defines custom exceptions for connection handling and provides functions to retrieve endpoints based on process IDs (PIDs) or TCP ports by reading from /proc/net/tcp, which lists current TCP connections on a Linux system. The TCPBreaker class is central to the functionality, allowing it to filter and intercept packets associated with specified local and remote TCP ports, capturing a TCP session’s sequence number to send a reset (RST) packet. This effectively terminates the connection. The script can also interact with ipset, adding or removing IP
pairs to manage firewall rules. It includes a command-line interface for user interaction, enabling options such as specifying a PID, local/remote ports, and choosing the packet capture method (raw or nflog). Overall, the script aims to provide a means to control and terminate unwanted TCP connections programmatically.


python [OPTIONS] [ipset_name]

ipset_name: (Optional) The name of the ipset to temporarily insert the local IP
into. This can be used in an iptables filter rule to reject outgoing packets matching it with a TCP reset packet.

— pid : (Optional) The Process ID (PID) of the process whose connection you want to terminate.

— port : (Optional) The local TCP port of the connection to close.

-d, — remote-port: (Optional) Treat the port argument as a remote port rather than a local port.

-c , — capture : (Optional) Specify the capture method. Options are “raw” or “nflog” (default is “nflog” if ipset_name is specified, otherwise “raw”).

— debug: (Optional) Enable verbose operation mode for debugging purposes.

Example Commands
Terminate a connection by PID

python — pid 1234 — port 8080

Terminate a connection using an ipset

python my_ipset — pid 1234

Terminate a connection by specifying local and remote ports

python my_ipset — port 80 -d — remote-port

Using raw capture method without ipset

python — pid 5678 — port 443 — capture raw

Ensure you have the necessary permissions to run the script, as it requires access to /proc/net/tcp and may need elevated privileges to modify ipset rules or terminate connections.

Made By ClumsyLulz aka SleepTheGod Taylor Christian Newsome

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function

from scapy.all import *
import itertools as it
import operator as op
import os
import re
import signal
import struct
import sys
from subprocess import Popen
import logging

class ConnMultipleMatches(Exception):

class ConnNotFound(Exception):

def get_endpoints(pid=None, port_local=None, port_remote=None):
    if pid:
        matches = list(get_endpoints_by_pid(pid))
        matches = list(get_endpoints_by_port(port_local, port_remote))

    if not matches:
        raise ConnNotFound()
    if len(matches) > 1:
        raise ConnMultipleMatches(matches)

    local, remote = matches[0]
    return (inet_ntoa(struct.pack('<I', local[0] & 0xffffffff)), local[1]),           (inet_ntoa(struct.pack('<I', remote[0] & 0xffffffff)), remote[1])

def get_endpoints_by_port(port_local=None, port_remote=None):
    assert port_local or port_remote, (port_local, port_remote)
    with open('/proc/net/tcp') as src:
        src = iter(src)
        next(src)  # skip header line
        for line in src:
            local, remote = (
                tuple(int(v, 16) for v in ep.split(':'))
                for ep in op.itemgetter(1, 2)(line.split()))
            for ep, port in [(local, port_local), (remote, port_remote)]:
                if ep[1] == port:
            yield local, remote

def get_endpoints_by_pid(pid):
    assert isinstance(pid, int), pid
    conns = dict()
    with open('/proc/net/tcp') as src:
        src = iter(src)
        next(src)  # skip header line
        for line in src:
            line = line.split()
            conns[line[9]] = line[1], line[2]
    pid_fds = f'/proc/{pid}/fd'
    for fd in os.listdir(pid_fds):
        match ='^socket:\[(\d+)\]$', os.readlink(join(pid_fds, fd)))
        if not match:
            match = conns[]
        except KeyError:
        yield tuple(tuple(int(v, 16) for v in ep.split(':')) for ep in match)

def ipset_update(cmd, name, ip, port):
    if name is None:
    assert cmd in ['add', 'del'], cmd
    log.debug(f'Updating ipset {name!r} ({cmd} {ip}:{port})')
    if Popen(['ipset', cmd, name, f'{ip},{port}']).wait():
        raise RuntimeError('Failed running ipset command.')

class TCPBreaker(Automaton):
    ss_filter_port_local = ss_filter_port_remote = None
    ss_remote, ss_intercept = None, None

    def __init__(self, port_local, port_remote, timeout=False, **atmt_kwz):
        self.ss_filter_port_local, self.ss_filter_port_remote = port_local, port_remote
        self.ss_timeout = timeout
        atmt_kwz.setdefault('store', False)
            f'tcp and ((src port {port_local} and dst port {port_remote})'
            f' or (dst port {port_local} and src port {port_remote}))')
        super(TCPBreaker, self).__init__(**atmt_kwz)

    def pkt_filter(self, pkt):
        if {pkt[TCP].sport, pkt[TCP].dport} == {self.ss_filter_port_local, self.ss_filter_port_remote}:
            return pkt[IP].dst if pkt[TCP].sport == self.ss_filter_port_local else pkt[IP].src
        raise KeyError

    def st_seek(self):
        log.debug('Waiting for noise on the session')

    def check_packet(self, pkt):
        log.debug('Session check, packet: {}'.format(pkt.summary()))
            remote = self.pkt_filter(pkt)
        except KeyError:
        raise self.st_collect(pkt).action_parameters(remote)

    def break_link(self, remote):
        if not self.ss_remote:
            log.debug('Found session (remote: {})'.format(remote))
            self.ss_remote = remote

    @ATMT.timeout(st_seek, 1)  # 1s timeout
    def interception_done(self):
        if self.ss_remote and self.ss_intercept:
            log.debug('Captured seq, proceeding to termination')
            raise self.st_rst_send()

    def st_collect(self, pkt):
        log.debug('Collected: {!r}'.format(pkt))
        self.ss_intercept = pkt  # only last one matters
        raise (self.st_rst_send if not self.ss_timeout else self.st_seek)()

    def st_rst_send(self):
        pkt_ip, pkt_tcp = op.itemgetter(IP, TCP)(self.ss_intercept)
        ordered = lambda k1, v1, k2, v2, pkt_dir=(pkt_ip.dst == self.ss_remote):             dict(it.izip((k1, k2), (v1, v2) if pkt_dir else (v2, v1)))
        rst = IP(**ordered('src', pkt_ip.src, 'dst', pkt_ip.dst))             / TCP(**dict(it.chain.from_iterable(p.viewitems() for p in (
                ordered('sport',, 'dport', pkt_tcp.dport),
                ordered('seq', pkt_tcp.seq, 'ack', pkt_tcp.ack),
                dict(flags=b'R', window=pkt_tcp.window)))))
        rst[TCP].ack = 0
        log.debug('Sending RST: {!r}'.format(rst))

        # Finish
        os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGINT)

def main(argv=None):
    import argparse
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='TCP connection breaking tool. Finds connection with specified parameters...'

    parser.add_argument('ipset_name', nargs='?',
                        help='Name of the ipset to temporarily insert local ip:port to...')
    parser.add_argument('--pid', type=int,
                        help='Process ID to terminate connection of.')
    parser.add_argument('--port', type=int,
                        help='TCP port of local connection to close.')
    parser.add_argument('-d', '--remote-port', action='store_true',
                        help='Treat port argument as remote, not local one.')
    parser.add_argument('-c', '--capture', metavar='driver',
                        help='Capture driver to use ("raw" or "nflog").')
    parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Verbose operation mode.')
    optz = parser.parse_args(argv if argv else sys.argv[1:])

    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if optz.debug else logging.INFO)
    global log
    log = logging.getLogger()

    if not optz.capture:
        optz.capture = 'nflog' if optz.ipset_name else 'raw'
        log.debug('Using {} packet capture interface'.format(optz.capture))
    elif optz.capture not in ['nflog', 'raw']:
        parser.error('Only "nflog" or "raw" values are supported with --capture option.')

    # Traffic to/from the same machine - no promisc-mode necessary
    conf.promisc = conf.sniff_promisc = False
    conf.verb = False  # Disables "Sent 1 packets." line

    if optz.capture == 'nflog':
        from scapy_nflog import install_nflog_listener

    if optz.port:
        local, remote = get_endpoints(**{'port_local' if not optz.remote_port else 'port_remote': optz.port})
        local, remote = get_endpoints(
        parser.error('No connection-picking criteria specified.')

    log.debug('Found connection: {0[0]}:{0[1]} -> {1[0]}:{1[1]}'.format(local, remote))

    ipset_update('add', optz.ipset_name, *local)
        TCPBreaker(port_local=local[1], port_remote=remote[1], timeout=True).run()
        ipset_update('del', optz.ipset_name, *local)

if __name__ == '__main__':