Looking Security Contact @Reuters

i have hacked into Reuters Servers Too is there anyone? i wann report vulnerability there too

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Hi there,
I’m a security researcher and tech reporter.

While Reuters does not explicitly list a security contact, you may have luck getting through to a Data Protection Officer or their General Counsel (Privacy) via email mentioned on the privacy policy page:
[email protected]

Thomson Reuters also runs a vulnerability disclosure program on HackerOne, although I understand the domains in scope might be limited to ThomsonReuters d0t com rather than Reuters d0t com but worth a try.

There’s also a good old contact form as a last resort: Contact us | Reuters

If you do hear back and the vulnerability report is accepted, feel free to reach out to me once cleared for disclosure. (Twitter: @Ax_Sharma or on here)

Hope it helps.

Hey @Rekt any update on this? Please let us know if you were successful here or if you need additional help.

FYI, the researcher pinged me on Twitter and I also reached out to them. Reuters did respond to both the researcher and me last week and, according to the researcher, appears to have resolved the flaw.


Excellent, thanks @AxSharma!

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Thanks @AxSharma brother without you it wasnt possible :slight_smile: Lots of love an Respsect for you <3 i got 3k Bucks reward

Yeah the issue was resolved and i was awarded bug bounty by them and Special Thanks goes to @AxSharma he helped me the get through a tough phase will always remember how he showed up and made things work for me :slight_smile:

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